

Spring is here and Summer is just around the corner for most of us. Warmer weather, flowers, vegetable gardens, boating, baseball, etc….

Now that the long winter is behind us, at least for  few months, we look forward to the Holidays that are coming up, Such as Mothers Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, 4th of July(Independence Day), Birthdays, Anniversaries and many more. Shopping is Essential for the gifts and accessories we need for all kinds of activities and celebrations. Let’s start with Mothers Day with beautiful gift ideas as seen on Mothers and Grandmothers are the core of most families. They love us unconditionally, forgive us all the time, and would sacrifice just about anything for their families. We honor them one day a year, so lets make it a special day!

Armed Forces Day is May 18th and Memorial Day is May 27th this year, so let’s celebrate these special days by honoring our Service men and women with Flags to show our appreciation and support for all they do. What would our country or world be like without our Armed Forces? Freedom is our most precious right, and we want that for everyone.

For many families late May or early June is also Graduation celebrations. Weather it is Kindergarten, Middle School, High School or College, graduation is a special time to celebrate the one who is graduating, making them feel special for their accomplishments. High School is especially a milestone in a young life. They are nearing adulthood, and either going on to college or trade school, or a job. No matter what you HS graduate is moving on to, it is a new beginning in their life. College is also another milestone in a graduates life because it is an accomplishment towards a career, and living life as an adult. Lets celebrate them with parties, dinners with friends and families, and perhaps gifts to make them feel special. has many supplies for graduation parties and great gifts for the graduate.

Officially Summer begins on June 20th, with the Summer Solstice when the Sun reaches its northernmost point of the equator. We have several holidays to observe in this month, Flag Day is June 14th, which marks the birth of the United States Armed Forces.  In 1777 the Second Continental Congress passes the Flag Act of 1777 adopting the Stars and Stripes as the Flag of the United States. In 1927 President Calvin Coolidge issued  proclamations asking for June 14th to be observed as National Flag Day, and on August 3, 1949 Congress passed and President Harry Truman later signed the national observance into law.

Our next big June holiday is Fathers Day, June 16th. In 1966 then President Lyndon B Johnson issued the first presidential proclamation honoring fathers, designating the 3r Sunday  in June as Fathers Day. Six years later the day was made a permanent national holiday when President Richard Nixon signed it into law on April 24, 1972. Let us honor our fathers on this special day with gifts and special meals, and time spent together with your fathers. Perhaps it is fishing, bike riding, boating or just having a BBQ in the back yard. Make your father feel loved and appreciated on this special day. has may great gift ideas for fathers day this year, check it out.

Let’s not forget Independence Day, or the 4th of July as we call it. This celebration is one the favorite Holidays in the summer months. Parades, Rodeo’s, Barbecue get togethers, boating and day at the Beach, camping and fireworks! Who doesn’t love fireworks? has an assortment of decorations and supplies to help celebrate this wonderful holiday. And celebrate we should, since we are celebrating our Independence. Never forget the “Declaration of Independence” and the Freedoms we enjoy because of it.

Well that’s all I have for you today.

Until next time, Enjoy your warm Summer Days!